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Can I use a normal 3.5-inch HDD in a CCTV recorder?

Asked 5 years ago in CCTV by Anonymous | 1 Answer

I have a Seagate Barracuda 3.5" desktop hard drive that I'm not using. Can I use it in my CCTV recorder or do I have to use a surveillance drive? What is the difference between normal drives and surveillance drive?

1 Answer

Answered 5 years ago by Nathanael

Yes, your CCTV recorder should work fine with a standard desktop SATA hard drive although surveillance drives have a number of benefit including being more efficient for storing and reviewing data from CCTV recorders, better at temperature management, designed for 24/7 operation and improved reliability.

Whether you are using a standard or surveillance drive however I would recommend reading the article in the link below which explains some ways you can extend the life of your hard drive.

How to extend the life of a CCTV hard drive

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