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Do I need to display CCTV warning signs?

Asked 5 years ago in CCTV by Anonymous | 3 Answers

I'm installing CCTV on my house and I have heard that I may need to install CCTV warning signs? Is this correct?

3 Answers

Answered 5 years ago by Nathanael
There is no requirement for CCTV warning signs to be displayed along side a private domestic CCTV installation. Signage can however provide an additional deterrent and ensure your cameras are noticed by potential intruders. With regard to a commercial CCTV installation especially where members of the public will be under surveillance, ICO guidelines state that signage should be displayed to alert the public that surveillance is in use and to provide details of the reason for the CCTV and inform them of who to contact if they have any questions about the system.

Answered 3 years ago by Bernarda

I agree with the other answer, there is no law requirement for CCTV warning signs to be displayed. But, yes signage can provide an additional deterrent and ensure your cameras are noticed by potential intruders.

I wonder if displaying a warning sign might make potential thieves think there’s something work breaking in for. Or am I over thinking it? I have just got the Arlo 4 pro but won’t be putting up signs - Andrew 10 months

Answered 3 years ago by Aleks

Ooh, thanks. Knowing that would really help me choosing the best security system.

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